Saturday, March 27, 2010

From Each According to Their Means to Those According to Their Needs...

Yes, that is the socialist motto and yes, that is where our current administration and Congress is taking us towards. Take a look at this:

Debt to be 90% of GDP by 2020 and the way our leaders are spending, one has to assume it will come quicker. Current federal debt levels equate to $56,000 per household. $170,000 by 2020 per the CBO prediction. Yeah...and the public has a spending problem. This unmitigated and egregious spending will result in unprecedented tax increases going forward.

I already work half my week to pay the government. The spending by our government is out of control. Even if it were to suddenly stop, we are still in the middle of an extreme wealth distribution time period--especially for the upper middle class.

Welcome to America's version of socialism. Big surprise that this is the response by white males like myself who bought into Obama's hope thesis. I too was fooled:

Can't wait to vote him out.


Hello. I thought I'd finally create a blog to allow me to get some thoughts out on things that interest me: politics, gambling, the market, golf and maybe the occasional pop culture reference. I'm sure no one will really be listening...or reading, these posts. Yet, for whatever reason I know I'll feel better just having the outlet to get some of these thoughts out.

Thus, feel free to comment and share your thoughts. Maybe you'll agree with me, maybe you'll think I'm an idiot. Whatever, this will be fun...