Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Real Illegal Immigration Story?

Whatever your thoughts on the new AZ Bill 1070 that is causing a stir across the nation, and I still have yet to make up my mind on it, at least it is creating some noise. And I say that because the problems here in AZ/TX/CA are real.

It's easy for some mayor in NYC or Boston (or a Congresswoman in IL) to rip the bill when they do not have to deal with the same consequences everyday as a direct result of illegals. In AZ at least, the costs associated with illegals is a major drain to the state. When they go to the ER they have to be taken care of; children of illegals overwhelm our schools; detainment costs; deportion costs; jail/prison costs; and most illegals do not have car insurance making our premiums outrageous here.

Yet, I also see the other side of most illegals--they work and they work hard. They generally are not here for a handout. Unlike a lot of Americans, and the current administration, they generally understand that things should not just be given to you--you have to work for them. There is no sense of entitlement, which is refreshing.

At the end of the day, this is a federal government issue. Yet, the federal government recently stated they will not take up the illegal immigration issue until after the next round of elections. Well, that's just great. Great leadership again Team Obama.

The point of this post though is another story that resonates from the illegal issue--and it's a story that is becoming a bigger problem in our country. The borders used for drug smuggling in El Paso/Juarez and San Diego/Tijuana are extreme crime problems. Although Phoenix has a ton of crime involving the illegal immigrant trade, Phoenix and AZ in general have generally been kept free of any major felony type crimes on legal Americans. But that is changing with the death of a border rancher in Douglas, AZ. The story was big news here but not surprisingly has been swept under the rug now with the focus on this new bill. Well below I offer another view, that the media is not discussing, that again shows why we need to get illegal immigration and the borders under control.

Full disclosure: this was attached as a comment by a reader in the AZ Republic. Am I certain it's true: no. Can I confirm it's true: no. Does it read to be true based upon the intricate details given: yes. Do I believe it: yes. Here it is--and this is my major fear with respect to illegals--that the drug war and everything that comes with it (kidnappings for cash, etc.) is creeping across the border into AZ:

Anonymous Comment:
I want to share this with all of you because it is true and I don't understand why people like Al Sharpton and others who don't have a clue what is going on at our border speak like they know.

As you know, one of the local ranchers was murdered in Douglas, AZ recently. I received three messages similar to the one below from different officers within the Rangers and law enforcement. Yesterday afternoon I talked to another rancher near us who is a friend of ours and whose great grandfather started their ranch here in 1880. These are good people. He told me what really happened out at the Krentz ranch and what you won't read in the papers. The Border Patrol is afraid of starting a small war between civilians here and the drug cartels in Mexico.

Bob Krentz was checking his water like he does every evening and came upon an illegal
who was lying on the ground telling him he was sick. Bob called the Border Patrol and
asked for a medical helicopter evac. As he turned to go back to his ATV he was shot in the side. The round came from down and angled up so they know the shooter was on the ground. Bob's firearm was in the ATV so he had no chance. Wounded he called the
Cochise County Sheriff and asked for help. Bleeding in the lungs he called his brother but the line was bad so he called his wife but again the line was bad.
Several ranchers heard the radio call and drove to his location. Bob was dead by this time.

The ranchers tracked the shooter 8 miles back towards Mexico and cornered him in a
brushy draw. This was all at night. The Sheriff and Border Patrol arrived and told them not to go down and engage the murderer. They went around to the back side and if you can believe it the assassin managed to get by a BP helicopter and a Sheriff's posse and back to Mexico. So much for professional help when you need it.

One week before the murder Bob and his brother Phil hauled a huge quantity of drugs off the ranch that they found in trucks. One week before that a rancher near Naco did the same thing. Two nights later gangs broke into his ranch house and beat him and his wife and told them that if they touched any drugs they found they would come back and kill them. The ranchers here deal with cut fences and haul drug deliveries off their ranches all the time. What ranchers think is that the drug cartels beat the one rancher and shot Bob because they wanted to send a message. Bob always have food and water to illegals and so they think they sent the assassin to pose as an illegal who was hungry and thirsty knowing it would catch Bob off guard.

What is going on down here is NOT being reported. You need to tell people how bad it is along the border. Texas is worse. Near El Paso it's in a state of war. 5000 people were killed in Ciudad Juarez last year and it's over 2000 so far this year. Gun sales down here are through the roof and I get emails from people wanting firearms training. Something has to be done but I don't hold out much hope. These gangs have groups in almost every city in the US. Please read below. This is serious business. The Barrio Azteca and their sub gangs are like Mexican Corporations and organized extremely well. If this doesn't get dealt with down here you guys will deal with it on your streets. Local law enforcement agencies are encouraging citizens to take firearms training and get proper concealed weapons permits. New Arizona law soon will allow everyone that is not a convicted felon to carry a firearm. Every citizen is responsible for his or her own safety
according to the Pima County Prosecuter. Again the media from the liberal press will not report on anything that makes illegal aliens look bad.

If true, this is scary. RIP Bob Krentz. We need to deal with this now. AZ Bill 1070 is a cry for help to the national government. Help us protect our borders and laws like this will not be brought.

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